Voting Genocide

A whopping 87% of the Democratic Party's hardcore constituency, the folks who think Biden's doing "a good job" generally? Well, perhaps it won't surprise you to learn that they also look upon the President's handling of Gaza (i.e., his continued arming of Israel's genocide against the tattered remains of historical Palestine) approvingly. That particular instance of public approval reveals that the vast majority of Ride-or-Die Dems, Biden Supporters... are psychotic. Or, if you prefer, moral imbeciles. "I won't vote for genocide" is a Democratic Party outlier. For, always and everywhere, Dems will see in themselves the sole bulwark against that cliched "Greater Evil," currently embodied by Donald Trump's presence in the election. Alright then, let us sweep aside the Dems' capacity for engaging in banana republic schemes to jail/knock Mr. Trump out of the electoral arena. Instead, we must return to "the crime of all crimes" and remind ourselves that Democrats vote for genocide, while maintaining their ideological certainty... "We are Lesser Evil-ism at its finest." As Israel systematically starves Gaza's kids, the American President starves ours by doubling, yes DOUBLING, child poverty in one year; and, speaking of Youth, Biden has the chutzpah to look upon anti-genocide protests with disdain, blithely labeling the protesters, Jews prominent among them, "anti-Semitic."

There's no untangling our Imperialism from Israel's Settler Colonialism, after all.

by Daniel Riccuito


Marius Jacob: Why I Robbed


Robert Mitchum: A Constant Motion of Escape