Annals of Censorship #1
Mr. J. L. Warner,
Warner Bros. Studios,
Burbank, California
Dear Mr. Warner:
We have read the final script of your production, WILD BOYS OF THE ROAD, and have given it very careful consideration. It seems to us that it contains several major problems to which some further consideration should be given both from the standpoint of the Code and censorship.
First we feel that the characterization of Aunt Carrie's residence as a house of prostitution is very questionable under the Code and dangerous with regard to official censorship. Consequently, it would be wise to change the nature of these scenes radically and indicate, if possible, that Aunt Carrie runs a speakeasy or that she is implicated in any other kind of a racket which might make her liable to arrest. If such a change were made, all the story necessities would be saved and, at the same time, a very dangerous situation would be avoided.