They Always Help Hitler

In a 1936 pamphlet entitled THEY HELPED HITLER, British Labor laments continued financial support of Britain’s banking establishment for the Nazi war machine: hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of pounds diverted from domestic public works projects, which might have served the urgent human need of the great British public, flowing right into the pocket of Thyssen and Krupp, to manufacture the very instruments of death that would lay waste to whole chunks of the country just a few years later.

In this light, one can see how Sen. Bernie Sanders’ allegiance to the 50 weapons manufacturers supporting him will, eventually, take a nasty turn. For, despite whatever you may have been told, children, it is axiomatic that when Western elites use the term “national security” they are not referring to you, nor is it the substantive, everyday security of your life that they have in mind.

The true, downright scriptural meaning of this overused and under-understood phrase is merely securing the state’s ability to spread wanton, near unimaginable violence throughout the globe, while controlling the resources required to do so without restraint. You – which is to say you, me, and every other sentient being on earth who isn’t a flesh-eating deep-state sociopath – matter to these tribunes of our National Security state only insofar as you are useful for one of those base and utterly diabolical purposes.

THEY HELPED HITLER calls to mind a horrible development.

In mid-May, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar voted to put $17B in the pockets of weapons manufacturers. Keep in mind that these DSA members (a slight exception, Omar is DSA-adjacent) support America's proxy war against Russia to the tune of $40B, serious money given that poverty's on the uptick. What's up, Socialism?

by a couple of Chiselers


Harry Langdon or The Malady of Sleep


“Watertown”: A Frank Look at Lost Hope